Let's Party!


The configuration file describes how data is partitioned and which driver has to be used.
It has to be in the classpath of the application.
To install and configure Let's Party!:

  1. Copy the libraries to your classpath
  2. Change your driver settings
  3. Set the real connection properties in your configuration file
  4. Describe your partitioned tables

Copy the libraries to your classpath

Copy Let's Party! library (letsparty.jar) and all its dependencies (commons-beanutils.jar, commons-collections.jar, commons-digester.jar, commons-logging.jar, dom4j.jar, jsqlparser.jar) to your classpath.
You can find commons-*.jar at the jakarta site, dom4j.jar here and jsqlparser here (or download all the dependencies here)

Change your driver settings

Change your driver into net.sf.letsparty.driver.Driver and your connection string into something like jdbc:letsparty:<path_to_your_config.xml>


  Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:letsparty:./testfiles/test_config.xml", "username", "password");

Example (tomcat):

  <ResourceParams name="jdbc/TestDB">


The "<path_to_your_config.xml>" can be set to any valid xml resource path (for example http://mycompany.com/resources/letsparty.cfg.xml)

Set the real connection properties in your configuration file

In your letsparty.cfg.xml, write your connection properties. Example:

<!DOCTYPE letsparty-config PUBLIC "-//LetsParty//LetsParty Configuration DTD 0.1//EN"

Describe your partitioned tables

In your letsparty.cfg.xml, write your partitioned table properties.
Only the partitioned tables of the db have to be configured.
Each table can be partitioned on multiple columns, as described in partitioning on multiple cols.
Here only an simple example (only one column) is given:

<!DOCTYPE letsparty-config PUBLIC "-//LetsParty//LetsParty Configuration DTD 0.1//EN"
  <table name="MYTAB_A" separator="_">
   <column name="ID1" interval-class="net.sf.letsparty.cfg.IntInterval">
  	<partition name="1">
  		<interval from="1" to="2" />
  	<partition name="2">
  		<interval from="3" to="4" />
  	<partition name="3">
  		<interval from="5" to="6" />
  	<partition name="4">
  		<interval from="7" to="8" />
  <table name="MYTAB_B" separator="_">
   <column name="ID1"  interval-class="net.sf.letsparty.cfg.TimestampInterval">
  	<partition name="1">
  		<interval from="2003-01-01 00:00:00" to="2003-06-01 00:00:00" />
  	<partition name="2">
  		<interval from="2003-06-01 00:00:01" to="2004-01-01 00:00:00" />

Element by element:

 <table name="MYTAB_A" separator="_">

It means that the table named MYTAB_A is a partitioned table: it doesn't exist in the db, only its partitions (MYTAB_A_xxx, such as MY_TAB_4) are stored in the database. The separator is appended to the table name to create the name of the partitioned table. In case it is omitted, "_" is the default. Example: if the above declaration was:

<table name="MYTAB_A" separator="!">

the name of the partitioned tables would have been MYTAB_A!xxx (example: MY_TAB!4).

Then the column:

 <column name="ID1" interval-class="net.sf.letsparty.cfg.IntInterval">

It means that the table is partitioned based on values of the column "ID1". In this example the type of values is int, hence the class holding intervals values will be net.sf.letsparty.cfg.IntInterval. You have to choose from an handler in net.sf.letsparty.cfg (Date, Time, Datetime, Long, Double).
The <column> element has a class attribute to override the normal behaviour of the column (more on this here), in case you need, for example, to partition data on a monthly basis (and you don't want to specify all dates of all months from now until the year 2300...)

Then the intervals:

 <interval from="7" to="8" />

With this element you describe the contents of your partition, i.e. what values will be in this partition. You can add more than one <interval> element.
The from attribute is the smaller value the partition will have (for this column) and the to attribute is the bigger.
IMPORTANT: The from and to attributes are INCLUDED, not excluded in the range of values!